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SOLU BS update: Version 4.1.9

Couple awesome little features, some modularization of subsystems, bugfixes, library updates.

Probably two most interesting changes are "edit this page" hotkey and new redirect page mode.

The hotkey CTRL+§ can be pressed on the public side to edit the current page. This is the same as pressing the edit button on the "admin toolbar" when logged in.

Redirect pages now have a new option that is default: redirection to first child page. This is by far the most common thing one want when creating a redirect page, so it will be selected as default when you create a new redirect page.

  • Added a proper implementation of "edit this page" hotkey.
  • Changed new administartor mail recipient to helpdesk.
  • Redirect pages without target redirect to first published child page. This is the default option now.
  • Changed Sampo payment action URL to Danske Bank domain.
  • Added a description field for data card specs for documentation.
  • Added importer of whole data card specs.
  • Added LESS support and transformed public stylesheets to LESS format.
  • Moved SquishIt bundle definitions to a separate file.
  • Changed private method SendEmail(EmailTask emailTask) to public to allow for sending of delayed email tasks.
  • Refactored culture handling to CultureManager.
  • Added a release config transformation file.
  • Added ActiveVersionID to InMemoryPageTreeNode.
  • Moved text mail templates to protected dir under /includes.
  • Moved admin mail templates under admin.
  • Method GetMailContent checks new (and old) mail template locations automatically.
  • Fixed: importing fields to spec with existing data cards won't create the new fields for them.
  • Fixed: editing data card with invalid ID in request params throws an error.
  • Fixed: QueueProcessor doesn't support delayed tasks well.

Disclaimer: If you were wondering why this post was in English and not in Finnish it is because the main development language of SOLU is indeed English and will remain so.